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Something to Be Mindful of: Negative Outcomes for Pets in Boarding Facilities

Posted on March 4th, 2024

When it comes to pet care options while you're away, boarding facilities may seem like a convenient choice. However, it's essential to understand the potential risks and negative outcomes associated with boarding your pets. At Reliable In Home Pet Sitting, LLC, we prioritize the well-being and happiness of your furry companions, which is why we believe in the superior benefits of in-home pet sitting. In this blog post, we'll explore the negative outcomes that pets may experience in boarding facilities and why in-home pet sitting is the preferred option for ensuring your pets' comfort and safety.

Stress and Anxiety

One of the primary concerns with boarding facilities is the stress and anxiety that pets may experience during their stay. Being placed in an unfamiliar environment surrounded by unfamiliar people and animals can be highly distressing for pets, leading to increased anxiety levels and behavioral issues. Many pets struggle to adjust to the confined spaces and noisy surroundings of boarding facilities, resulting in heightened stress levels and decreased well-being. In contrast, in-home pet sitting allows pets to remain in the familiar comfort of their own home, minimizing stress and providing a sense of security and stability.

Lack of Personalized Attention

In boarding facilities, pets often receive limited individual attention and interaction from staff members. With a high volume of animals to care for, staff may not have the time or resources to provide personalized attention to each pet's needs. This lack of attention can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation for pets, exacerbating stress and anxiety levels. In-home pet sitting, on the other hand, offers pets one-on-one companionship and care from a dedicated sitter who can cater to their specific needs and preferences. Pets receive personalized attention, playtime, and affection, ensuring they feel loved and cared for in their sitter's presence.

Increased Risk of Illness

Boarding facilities can pose an increased risk of illness and infection for pets due to the close proximity of multiple animals in confined spaces. Infectious diseases such as kennel cough, parvovirus, and feline upper respiratory infections can spread rapidly in boarding environments, putting pets at risk of becoming sick. Additionally, the stress of being in a boarding facility can weaken pets' immune systems, making them more susceptible to illness. In-home pet sitting minimizes the risk of exposure to contagious diseases by allowing pets to remain in their own sanitized environment, reducing the likelihood of illness and promoting overall health and well-being.

While boarding facilities may seem like a convenient option for pet care, they can pose significant risks and negative outcomes for your furry companions. From increased stress and anxiety to lack of personalized attention and heightened risk of illness, boarding facilities may not provide the level of care and comfort that your pets deserve. At Reliable In Home Pet Sitting, LLC, we offer a superior alternative with our in-home pet sitting services. Our dedicated team provides personalized attention, companionship, and care in the familiar comfort of your pet's own home, ensuring their happiness, health, and well-being while you're away. Contact us today at (475) 477-2585 or email us at [email protected] to learn more about our services and how we can provide your pets with the love and care they deserve.

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